Celebrity Diets, Free Fitness Plans

Captain America Workout

Captain America Workout


Captain America with No Shirt

Who would have thought that the scrawny WWII recruit would become one most renowned heroes within the MCU? Steve Rogers always brings a big presence on the battlefield, whether that be physical or mental – but his physical presence is something that the villains in the MCU are petrified of, but how did he get like that?

Chris Evans stated that he lost a lot of mass before the filming of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, so he needed to regain the stature that Cap’ is known for.

He did admit to doing almost no cardiovascular training. Thankfully though, the scenes in these type of movies are shot in short bursts, meaning his cardiovascular endurance isn’t tested and he has plenty of time to recuperate in between the scenes. When trying this workout, remember to do your cardio – a simple 10-15 minute jog to warm up and warm down should suffice. 


This program follows a 12-week cycle, each week you repeat the workouts listed below and you may eventually achieve your goal in looking like Captain America. This workout plan only works if you are eating a diet that follows your goal, hi-protein foods and protein shakes/mass gainers are a good way to promote muscle growth and recovery followed by a good night sleep. Use a BMI calculator to work out how many calories you are needing to consume daily.

It is extremely important to note that when following the guide below, to using a weight that you’re most comfortable with. Any excessive use of weights that your body is not equipped to handle can result in injury.

Below is a 4-day exercise program that is believed to be like the actual workout, that if followed over the course of 12 weeks with the correct diet should have you looking like Steve Rodgers himself. Muscleandstrength.com studied how Chris Evans trains and how his trainer trained his other clients and came up with this.

Day One:

Warm Up: 10-15 minute jog on a treadmill with an incline.

1.    3 sets of Squats, with 5 repetitions in each set.

2.    3 sets of Deadlifts, with 5 repetitions in each set.

3.    2 sets of Jump Squats, with 12 repetitions in each set.

4.    2 sets of Box Jumps with, 10 repetitions in each set.

5.    2 sets of Lying Leg Curls with, 12 repetitions in each set.

6.    2 sets of Standing Machine Calf Raises, with 15 repetitions in each set.

Day Two:

Warm Up: 10-15-minute jog on a treadmill with an incline.

1.    3 sets of Army Presses, with 5 reputations in each set.

2.    3 sets of Incline Dumbbell Presses. with 5 repetitions in each set

3.    3 sets of Pull Ups, with 12 repetitions in each set.

4.    3 sets of Z-Presses, with 8 repetitions in each set.

5.    3 sets of press ups with, 12 repetitions in each set.

6.    3 sets of an Inverted Row, with 12 repetitions in each set.

Day Three:

It’s important in any workout that you rest your body and let it recover. Consuming hi-protein foods and shakes are the best way to feed your muscle and get them the vital nutrition that they need.

Day Four:

Warm Up: 10-15-minute jog on a treadmill with an incline.

1.    3 sets of the Trap Bar Deadlift, with 5 repetitions in each set.

2.    3 sets of Front Squats, with 5 repetitions in each set.

3.    3 sets of the Leg Press, with 12 repetitions in each set.

4.    2 sets of Seated Leg Curls, with 15 repetitions in each set.

5.    2 sets of Jumping Lunges, with 15 in each set

6.    2 sets of Seated Calf Raises, with 15 in each set.

Day Five

Warm Up: 10-15-minute jog on a treadmill with an incline.

1.    3 sets of Bent Over Rowing, with 5 repetitions in each set

2.    3 sets of the Incline Bench Press, with 5 repetitions in each set.

3.    3 sets of the Kneeling Shoulder Press, with repetitions in each set.

4.    3 sets of One Arm Dumbbell Rows, with 12 repetitions in each set.

5.    3 sets of Dips, with 15 repetitions in each set.

6.    3 sets of Chin-Ups, with 15 repetitions in each set.

Day Six & Seven: 
Rest days & cheat day. Make sure you use them wisely and satisfy any cravings you may have from the brutal workout you’ve endeared for the week past.


People like Chris Evans pay a lot of money to get top class nutritionists and personal trainers, so if you need to get that extra bit of energy or need some help with your protein intake – here are some supplements we recommend. 

Protein Powders
Labrada Iso Whey (2268g)
Dorian Yates ShadoWhey (2 kg)
Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey (2.2kg)

The Bulk Protein Company Serious Gainz (5 kg)
Mutant Mass (6.8 kg)


Rich Piana 5% 5150 (30 Servings)
Cobra Labs The Curse (250g)
BSN NO-Xplode (30 servings)


Dorian Yates The Creatine (316g)
PHD Creatine 250g
BPI Micronized Creatine (60 Servings)

Protein Bars

Grenade Carb Killa Bars (12 Bars)
Universal Nutrition Hi Protein Bars 16x85g

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