Boxing is quite a high-intensity sport which requires a high level of skill, speed, stamina, agility, hand-eye coordination, just to name a few. However, boxing as a fitness activity allows you to acquire these skills without having to take a punch. Not only that, but boxing also helps tone and strengthen your muscles. As well as burning tons of calories and can be a great help in weight loss.
Here are five fitness and health benefits of boxing workouts:
Boxing workouts use your entire body so when you’re throwing punches, most of your body’s muscles are working at the same time. ExtraBoxing says this puts extra stress on your heart and lungs so that they’re challenged enough to make beneficial physiology adaptations to support a higher level of physical activity. Boxing tests your cardiovascular system and forces your body to adapt, improving your heart and lungs’ ability to deliver oxygen around your body. Meaning you can then work out at a higher intensity, which will help increase fat burning and weight loss.
DynamicBoxing thinks that boxing is possibly the best full-body workout around. When throwing punches correctly, it uses almost all of your muscles in your body. When punching against resistance, it causes all of these muscles to contract with more force and speed. This will help to develop your strength and power further.

DynamicBoxing also says that boxing can help improve your hand-eye coordination. When you’re punching a punching bag, you are tasked with having the ability to see the target, react to the target and hit the target. This is done whilst the target is moving and changing position. Therefore, it is quite difficult at first however, with practice, your hand-eye coordination will gain substantial improvements.
Having good hand-eye coordination can help you a lot as you get older. Individuals with good hand-eye coordination tend to have quicker reaction times and better physical coordination as a whole. This is important during ageing because balance and coordination are compromised which can increase the risks of falls.
Boxing does have a lot of positive physical effects. However, it also has some positive psychological effects. Exercise in general increases endorphins which boosts mood works as a form of meditation and improves sleep. All of these help to reduce stress. Punching helps to relieve muscle tension that can collect when you experience stress. Also, hitting stuff can make you feel really good, which means you can take out the stress of your normal life in a safe, controlled environment. It will help to keep you calm after you leave the gym and you will walk out with a lot less anger. As you continue to punch, you will find your focus is improved which will increase your concentration and help you forget the reasons why you are stressed.
Boxing can make you feel more powerful and have a positive effect on your mental health. This can give you more of a fighting spirit and enable you to deal better with challenging situations in life. Boxing can instil a sense of achievement which will also build your confidence up and improve your self-esteem. Also, many of the mental skills which you will learn when boxing can be used outside of the ring. For example, finding your fighting style and mastering your defence can help both at work and in your social circles.
Boxing Exercises
According to Fit Body Buzz, it’s the most simple and effective exercise, it’s the most famous exercise in the boxing world. It involved punching an extremely heavy bag which is typically attached to a chain. It improves the fitness and health of the person doing it as it tests the strength and stamina of the person do it. The weight of the bag really tests your muscles and trains your arms to throw more powerful and quick punches.

Our SSS Red & Black Punch Bag is real leather and measures 180 cm x 35 cm and comes unfilled. This means you get your own choice on how to fill it so you can adjust it to your preferred weight easily.
Using a speedball is a brilliant way to improve your boxing ability. Speedballs improve your hand-eye coordination, this is because you won’t have time to pick and plan your punches and have to react purely to the way the ball is moving. Due to how quick is moves as well, it will also improve your footwork as the way it moves mimics an actual boxing fight. Its speed makes it a brilliant HIIT exercise as you will be constantly moving at a high speed.
Improve your hand-eye coordination with our own branded Ironman Leather Speedball. As well as improving coordination, it will also improve your fitness and endurance whilst improving your confidence in the sport of boxing. It comes with its own swivel hook so you can put it anywhere you want.
World champion boxers all use skipping ropes. VElite outline something called the boxer skip which mimics the footwork you would use during the fight. When they do the boxer skimp they shift their weight from one foot to another one which mimics the weight they would be doing when they’re throwing a jab or a punch.
As well as boxing workouts, Skipping is one of the best cardiovascular exercises that produce results. It is cheap and can be done anywhere, anytime. Ideal for shedding weight fast, toning up and maintaining muscle tone. Skipping ropes are an excellent tool for any fitness level or goal. Have a look at our Lonsdale Skipping Ropes if you’re in the market for some.