Starting the gym can be daunting, especially when you don’t know the techniques of certain exercises and don’t want to shell out for a personal trainer. That’s why we’re going to compile our top 6 Home Workout exercises to burn that fat and get your heart rate elevated.
6 – Kettlebell Swings

(Source: Men’s Health;
This exercise is ideal if you are looking to lose weight. A kettlebell swing is one of the most effective exercises people use at the gym, and you can do it at home if you’re not up for going to the gym. Used best as a finishing exercise to improve your cardiovascular system and burn fat but is also effective at improving core strength.
To start, place the kettlebell slightly in front of you on the ground and in between your feet – which should be around shoulder-width apart from each other. Keep your legs slightly bent and hinging at the hips, then begin to grab the kettlebell and pull it back between your legs, this will create momentum.
Then move your hips forward whilst straightening your back at the same time to send the kettlebell to shoulder height. Whilst still grasping the kettlebell, let the kettlebell fall back between your legs and repeat the move for 45 seconds to a minute.
5 – Dumbbell Stepping Lunge

(Source: Scott Herman Fitness;
The muscle that is targeted the most by a dumbbell stepping lunge is your quads. You use your quads to straighten the knee from a bent position and also to help keep your kneecap in its normal position. Healthy quads help you to maintain and improve your balance and mobility. Bad quads can lead to things such as hamstring injuries while healthy quads can help you maintain bone health.
Your starting position for the dumbbell stepping lunge: stand upright with a dumbbell of equal weight in each hand. Then proceed to take one large step with your right leg (around 2 feet) whilst leaving your left leg stationary and lower your upper body downwards, whilst keeping your torso upright and balanced. Inhale as you go down and exhale as you up and then slowly return to the starting position and swap the legs over. You should not allow our knee to go past your toes, as it will cause stress to your knee joints.
This exercise requires a lot of balance. If you are unable to keep your balance either drop down a weight or conduct without weight.
4 – Plank (without weights)

(Source: BowFlex;
Planking is one of the easiest core exercises anyone can do. When you plank, you’re strengthening your abdominal region, upper thighs, arm and shoulders. Do you know the best thing about planking? It can be done anywhere, at any time.
To do a plank, you first must find somewhere that has a flat, solid surface. Lie on your front with your fists together and your elbows pushed into your sides. Your forearms should be on the floor and your toes tucked underneath your feet. Then push your body’s weight up so that you’re resting on your forearms and feet in a straight line. Then squeeze your muscles to increase the tension. You should also check your back and bottom are not popping up or caving in and that your body is straight from heel to head.
3 – Bodyweight Squat

(Source: NerdFitness;
A bodyweight squat is one of the simple and easy exercises you can do whilst still maximising your return. It works your quads, glutes, hamstrings and core.
To do a bodyweight squat, you must first stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, with your toes slightly turned outwards. Inhale and then begin the movement by hinging at the hips, then bend your knees downward until: thighs are parallel with the floor; heels begin to lift off the floor or your torso starts to round or flex forward. Then exhale, straighten legs and stand up whilst moving your torso and shin bone at the same time.
Make sure you push your hips back and sit in between your mid-foot and heels. Brace your abs throughout the movement and keep your back flat.
If you want to add a little bit of weight, why not purchase one of our lightweight training bars.
2 – Sit-Ups

Sit-ups exercise muscles, they work your abdominal muscles whilst also working your: chest; hip; flexors; lower back & neck. Sit-Ups may not be effective at burning calories right away, but they will burn more calories over time.
Firstly, lie on your back on a flat, solid surface. Bend your legs and keep your feet planted firmly on the ground and cross your hands-on opposite shoulders. Then begin to bring your body to your knees, exhaling on the way. Then inhale as you return to the starting position.
If you are unable to keep your feet on the floor, maybe add something heavy and soft on top of your feet or purchase our sit up bar.
1 – Skipping

Source: Glamrs;
Skipping is a high-intensity workout, and it’s a lot of fun. There’s a lot of benefits to skipping, such as: cardiovascular health; leg strength; increased stamina; improved coordination; increased bone strength and improved balance & agility.
Check the video for different skipping techniques and see our skipping ropes here.