Everyone listens to music in the gym. But why do we? Is it because everyone else does or just so no-one else talks to you?
In this blog post we’re going to be looking at all the amazing benefits listening to music actually has on your workout. Not only can it be a good noise filler, but it also improves your overall well-being, helps to regulate your emotions and create happiness in your life. This can have a positive impact in the gym because you will already be in a better mood from listening to music.
Good Distraction

Working out with music can help make you less aware of exertion. This distraction can help benefit athletic performance by around 15%. Also, the faster the music the better. Upbeat songs have more information for the brain to process. Which will help take your mind off the fact you’re at the gym and can turn your workouts into a more enjoyable experience.
It can also prevent you from being distracted by people around you and prevent you from being caught up in any unwanted chat which can disrupt your workflow. It will also help improve your workout routine since you will be more focused on exercising.
Improved Effort
Everyone has those few songs that get them pumped up. The type of music that you listen to before going on a night out. Studies have shown that cyclists who listened to fast-paced music of around 120-140 beats per minute (bpm) actually worked harder. Therefore, plugging in your headphones and putting on your favourite workout playlist will help you focus and perform better. It will also help increase your heart rate and get the blood pumping.
Fitness classes and aerobic activities are also good because they have loud, energetic music playing whilst you exercise which is used to help push yourself to the next level and burn more fat.
Get In The Zone
Most gym-goers know the pain of forgetting your headphones or having a lot on your mind at the gym. It can make focusing on your workouts more difficult. However, music helps to drown out everything that’s going on around you and allows you to get in the zone, staying engaged in your workout. Most people have that one song that gets them in the zone so this is a good place to start and from there you will find it easier to stay in the zone.
Keeping Up With The Pace

Sometimes it can be difficult to keep a steady pace when you’re at the gym. All it takes is someone else going a bit slower or faster than you and your concentration can lapse. However, music is a good way to help keep that steady pace.
The rhythm of the workout music stimulates the motor area of the brain as to when to move which will help during self-paced exercises such as running. You don’t want to listen to music too fast though where you can’t keep up the pace. You need to listen to something which you can keep a steady pace with and get in a good rhythm.
Lightens The Mood

Listening to music has massive benefits on your happiness levels. This is due to the fact that listening to music releases dopamine and keeps your stress levels down. Working out also releases dopamine so when the two are combined it greatly elevates your mood. You can also use music to help escape from reality and stay focused on yourself throughout your workout.
Listening to music also reduces stress and anxiety which is one of the reasons why many people avoid going to the gym. Therefore, listening to music could help you overcome your anxieties on going to the gym and help you through your workouts.
Get Moving
Music goes hand in hand with dancing, so once you have one of your favourite songs playing it won’t be long before you’re tapping your feet and getting your groove on. When you’re at the gym, your music will help you get moving no matter how much you’re dreading your workout. This will help make your workouts more fun also and keep your mood elevated.
Time Flies When You’re Having Fun
Some workouts can be extremely boring. For example, running on a treadmill for an hour is not the most fun activity in the world. However, listening to some music can help the time pass quicker, especially when you’re doing an activity that you don’t particularly enjoy too much.
Well, there you have it. The reasons why listening to music in the gym makes you feel so good. Whether it be a spinning class mix or a classic pop playlist – listening to music int the gym benefits everybody and can help you increase the longevity and overall performance of your workouts.