One of our best sellers here at SS Healthfoods is Alphaform Labs MK-Extreme, but what really is it? MK Extreme contains MK-677, which you might know as Ibutamoren or Nutrabo, which are known to act in a similar way to SARM’s, but what are they?
Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, also known as SARMS, are generally marketed online as the safer alternative to anabolic steroids which science has linked to liver damage and prostate cancer. Ever since these claims, bodybuilders have been looking for a safer alternative to help boost muscle growth without the damaging side effects.
In an interview with, Dr. Krissy Kendall of Edith Cowan University says “The idea of SARMS is that they mimic the effects of testosterone in the body, but unlike using synthetic testosterone or anabolic steroids, they are directly targeted at skeletal muscle”. However, there are many claims that they contain unapproved drugs and can affect the body in adverse ways long term. Dr Kendall goes on to state “There’s not any long-term safety data on SARMS… They’re marketed as a dietary supplement but they do not meet that definition”.
Does that mean that SARM’s are unsafe?
Whilst there are no long-term studies that prove definitively that the use of SARM’s are safe to use, it is uniquely designed to target bone tissue and muscle tissue. That means that the messages it sends to your body targets specific reactions, which is what the ‘S’ in SARM means. This targeting allows this product to do specific things, such as increasing bone density, promote GH secretion as well as enhance the look of your body.
However, it is important to note that a lot of the drugs in usual SARM’s are research drugs and you should always do your own research before using for a product you are not familiar with.
What are the top benefits of MK-677?

MK-677 does not work the same way as a SARM such as LGD-4033 and Ostrarine, but mimics the behaviours but they are not the same and act differently.
1 – Building muscle
A double-blind randomised controlled trial was conducted with 24 men with a BMI equal to obese. The men were observed over 2 months with MK-677 given as a treatment. After the two months, the results showed that the men’s health had improved with an increase in basal metabolic weight and an increase in lean muscle mass.
This shows why MK-677 is popular for its anabolic attribute, it enables the user to promote the gain of lean muscle that most athletes are after. However, these effects can only take place after Nutrobal is consumed. Whilst boosting IGF-1 levels, it also boosts the production of growth hormones.
2- Prevents muscle wasting
Muscle wasting is quite a problem for the elderly, another scientific test was carried out and the results of the experiment showed that it reversed protein loss and muscle wasting. Another test has shown that it prevents muscle loss as it reduced falls in elderly patients with hip fractures by increasing the muscle strength of the affected area.
3 – Increases bone density
Studies have shown the GH can have a positive effect on bone density by affecting bone turnover. In a double-blind randomised controlled trial. MK-677 was shown to increase bone turnover as they expected.
However, the interesting thing is that in order to see the positive effects of MK-677 on bone density, you will need to experience some negative effects as the process starts. Bone turnover begins to decrease at first before increasing, meaning the process can take up to 12 months before you see positive results.
Other benefits
Other key benefits that MK-677 gives to its user is that it promotes a healthy effect on sleep as well as maintaining and even increasing GH levels after puberty.
Possible side effects on MK-677
As aforementioned, MK-677 can reduce bone turnover at first before increasing it, so be aware of that side effect.
The main, noted side effects of MK-677 are muscle pain and increased appetite. Studies have shown however that participants had a reduced insulin sensitivity and higher fasting blood glucose. These results are the same results that people have shown when they have higher levels of growth hormones.
Even though MK-677 is not a SARM, you should buy everything that mimics steroids from a trusted source that has verified sales and conduct your own research into every product you are going to buy.