Celebrity Diets, Free Diet Plans

Angelina Jolie’s Diet Plan

Angelina Jolie's Diet Plan

Angelina Jolie is a busy mum of six, works tirelessly producing and acting in movies and always manages to look good. She stays in top form as she maintains a healthy and nutritious diet.  Her usual diet includes eating small meals at regular intervals. She sticks to high protein intake and tries to reduce starchy carbohydrates in her diet.

How Does it Work?

Cut carbohydrate content when trying to tone your body. However, do not completely eliminate them altogether from your diet as they are brain energy foods.

Eat foods that have high protein levels such as lentils, chicken and fish. They make your bones stronger and provide enough nutrients required for getting an athletic body.

Divide your day into 6 meals to provide enough food to your body every 3-4 hours, try not to have a huge gap between two meals is the best approach.

Keep alcohol and junk food for weekends or for your cheat days (only once a week)

Combine exercise with your diet plan.

Include nuts in your diet, they are healthy for brain, skin and body toning.

Drink plenty of water, at least 2 litres per day.

Breakfast should be the biggest meal of the day whereas it’s best to keep your dinner light. Think of it as a triangle from breakfast at the bottom of the base to dinner at the top.

Daily Eating Plan


For the first meal of the day, she prefers: Egg white omelette on toasted English muffin with half teaspoon of coconut oil, no sugar oat bar, fruit.


Fruit, light cheese (50g) and 3-4 rye crackers


Tuna Fish Sandwich:  Tuna fish mixed with low fat or non-fat mayonnaise and lettuce, tomato,   onion, celery orange or other fruit. Handful of baby carrots.

Evening Snack:

Bowl of fat free yogurt and raw almonds.


Her dinner is inclusive of:

Grilled or baked skinless chicken breast with baked potato or half small baked sweet potato steamed vegetables with half teaspoon of coconut oil.

Before bed snack:

Small tub of low fat cottage cheese with mixed berries and seeds.

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