60 Days Before Summer

60 Days Before Summer

60 Days Before Summer

Firstly, be honest and don’t lie to yourself.

Making a judgement on your current condition in terms of fitness levels and body composition is necessary for you to achieve your goals.  You need to know your starting point and how you are going to measure your progress over the next 60 days. You can do this by establishing a weekly average weight – this will be done by weighing yourself every day for a week and finding the mean which will show your average weight. Once you have this number locked in you can firstly aim to achieve a lower average weekly body weight the following week. Now we also need to get a solid understanding of your current fitness levels and this can change from person to person as it depends upon what your current goal is, whether it be running, cycling, swimming we are aiming to improve your performance in a fitness orientated exercise.

Set Goals

What are your goals? A question we ask at the start of this journey and now needs answering, once a solid understanding of your current physique and capabilities has been understood then it is possible to set realistic goals that you can achieve. We do not want to set goals that are out of reach as this can be demotivating when the journey gets tough or you are getting cravings. If cravings are something that you really struggle with then a good way to combat this is to introduce high protein snacks into your diet! As you are going to be working out more and potentially eating fewer calories then you will be required to increase your protein intake which can be done using Protein Shakes and as mentioned previously high protein snacks.

Be Accountable

Possibly the most important part of the whole process. This can be done in many ways such as Calorie Counters, Step Counters, Cook Books, Fitness DVDs or even just a little notepad that tracks all of your nutrition and exercise in a week. You need to be honest with yourself as the only person that is stopping you from achieving your goals is yourself. Schedule your workouts, find a workout partner and even consider using a qualified PT to show you the ropes if you are struggling.

Easy Workout to Lose Weight Fast for Beginners

This plan is perfect if you have never really excercised before or have taken a long break and need easing back in. These simple exercises will jolt your metabolism out of lazy mode and get it moving again. But to make this plan work, you need to keep your workouts short and manageable. That way, you never have an excuse to skip a session.
For this workout, you only exercise 1-3 times each day, but each workout is only 7 minutes and are easily intergrated into your busy lifestyle. You do not need expensive gym clothes or any extra equipment.
Easy beginner workout:

7 minutes fast walk
7 minutes of easy lunges and easy push ups
7 minutes fast walk

These simple excercises are enough to increase your heart rate to a fat burning level. Set alarms on your phone to ensure that you stick to the plan. Looking to increase the intensity? Turn a fast walk into a run, do more advanced lunges and push ups against a wall and walk/run up the office stairs or channel your inner Rocky and find some outdoors.

Easy Exercise Routine for Regular Exercisers

If you are already a keen gym goer who needs that extra boost before hitting the beach then think about adding adding 30-45 minutes of easy enjoyable activity at the opposite end of your day as your normal workout:

If you work out in the morning, add a brisk evening walk to your schedule.
If you exercise in the evening, consider biking or walking to work in the morning.

If you stick to your easy workout routine and hit your goals and eat well you should see some change in the scale or in the way your clothes fit after a week or two!

Supplement Support

SS Healthfoods is here to support your fitness journey! We have a wide range of Supplements available as well as Health foods and Gym Equipment, anything you need we’ve got it covered!

Our Home Workout Bundle is ideal for anyone starting out – save yourself the stress of a 12 month gym contract that you are guaranteed to forget about. With a 12kg Kettlebell + 5kg Medicine Ball + Leather Skipping Rope + Shaker this bundle is all you need to work up a sweat from the comfort of your own home.

PhD Diet Whey is the best protein on the market for fat-loss, it contains a multitude of potential fat-loss ingredients which may assist with the building of fat-free muscle, without any bulking or excess calorie intake. With only 5g of carbs, a whopping 34g of protein; this palm oil free protein comes in several tasty flavours at the lowest price in the UK – just £17.99.

Our Deals Under £15 section contains plenty of best sellers at the best price – from creatine to energy drinks to high protein snacks you are bound to find a supplement that will help sculpt that summer body.

CBD Muslce Salves will help aid with recovery post-workout – with 1000mg of Broad Spectrum CBD Oil it incorporates a host of natural herbs and essential oils to provide a complete, muscle relaxing experience.

Our own range of SSnackboxes will help curb those cravings in a healthy manner. They come in three tiers, Our first tiered box is our Essential Protein Snack Box filled with our favourite snacks as well as some free samples of our best selling protein powder. The next level up is our most popular box the Premium Protein Snack Box. With the addition of a large cookie, the nations favourite protein bar, Grenade, plus more items this box represents great value for money! Finally we have the Platinum Protein Box, our largest ever box. Whether you share it with a friend or you think you can tackle it all yourself, this box will help you through all those cravings.

And that is that; get working on that summer body and in no time you will have the figure you have always strived for! If you require any advice then please do not hesitate to give us a message on Facebook.

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