Fit Facts

Many people feel they don’t have time for regular exercise. Being active is very important aspect of a healthy lifestyle.


Being fit has a number of health benefits. Research shows that regular physical activity can promote psychological wellbeing and reduces feeling of depression and anxiety.

So, if you are feeling tired, stressed or down consider visit to the gym or simply go for a walk.

Active lifestyle manages healthy weight and prevents weight gain.Physical activity can balance intake of daily calories. Just remember don’t counteract all exercise you do by eating lots of junk food.

You need at least 60 min of vigorous exercise every day to burn overeaten calories. Follow a varied diet rich in protein, fresh fruit and vegetables. It is important to watch the quality of the calories you eat.


Keep your heart rate up and stay fit and healthy for life.

How can I increase my metabolic rate?

Metabolism is the term given to all processes by which your body converts food into energy. The metabolic rate is the speed at which your body burns calories. Your BMR (basal metabolic rate) is the rate at which your burn calories on essential body functions such as breathing. If you don’t exercise regularly, you’ll lose around 0.25 kg (1/2Lb) of muscle every year after your late twenties. When you lose muscle you BMR drops about 2% every decade, so you burn les calories. You can prevent age –related muscle loss with weekly strength training.


  • Exercise – higher intensity exercise increases post-exercise oxygen consumption ‘after burn’ and comes from fat stores.
  • Add muscle – regular weight training will raise your RMR. Adding two pounds (1kg) of muscle burns on average an extra 65 calories a day. That’s 2015 calories per month, equivalent to losing 1/2lb (0.25 kg) of fat.
  • Eat small meals often throughout the day – eat regularly and frequently to increase the metabolic rate. Plan three meals and two snacks a day spacing them at 2 -3 hours intervals.
  • Hydrate – drink at least 1.5l of water a day. Dehydration slows down the fat-burning process.
  • Avid skipping meals and don’t leave more than five hours between meals.
  • Eat protein – with every meal, while eating protein boosts your metabolism. Up to 20% of meal calories may be burned off as heat. It’s also the most satisfying nutrient so helps stop overeating.
  • Eat breakfast – it kickstarts your metabolism. For sustained energy combine carbohydrates and protein like eggs on toast or porridge.

Post Exercise Snacks

Combining protein and carbohydrate has been shown to be more effective in promoting recovery than carbs alone. Protein – carb mixtures stimulate a grater output of insulin promoting glycogen and protein synthesis and lowers cortisol level after exercise. Cortisol supresses the rate of protein synthesis and stimulates protein catabolism.


  • A meal replacement shake ( a balanced mixture of Maltodextrin, sugar and protein together with vitamins and minerals)
  • A handful of dried fruit and nuts
  • A roll/bagel/bread/wrap filled with lean protein – chicken, turkey, fish, egg or peanut/almond butter.
  • A bowl of wholegrain cereal or muesli with milk
  • A few oat or rice cakes with peanut/almond butter or cottage cheese and low sugar jam
  • A bowl of porridge made with scoop protein powder or milk
  • Jacket potato with portion of lean protein like tuna, chicken, beef, baked beans
  • 1-2 portions of fruit and handful of nuts
  • 1-2 portions of natural high protein yogurt and portion of fruit
  • A homemade milk smoothie with fresh fruit

Celebrity Workouts – Brad Pitt’s Fight Club Workout

Probably one of the most admired physiques, as far as Hollywood characters are concerned, is Brad Pitt’s Tyler Durden in Fight Club.

Weighing in at only 150-155 pounds and with only 5-6% body fat, Pitt maintained this physique by focusing on one muscle group per day, allowing for full recovery and maximizing his muscle growth potential over an extended period of time, similar to a bodybuilder’s periodization schedule.

Saving the cardio till the end of the week, Pitt would work at the maximum target heart rate with an intense session to burn off any unwanted fat, without sacrificing muscle.

For his next role in Snatch, Pitt eased off from his intense workout schedule and gained weight for a more healthy 8% body fat.

Reccomended Supplements –

Protein Powders

Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey –

Dymatize Elite XT –


Applied Nutrtion All Black Everything –

Cobra Labs The Curse –


Muscletech Cell Tech Performance Series –

All American EFX Kre-Alkalyn –

Protein Bars

Grenade Carb Killa Bars – 

Optimum Nutrition Protein Whipped Bites 12x76g Bars –

Workout Schedule

Exercises were performed at 3 sets of 15-25 reps. High intensity and heavy weights – on resistance days, on cardio days – running.  Nice and simple.

Monday – Chest

75 push-ups
Bench press 
Nautilus press 
Incline press 
Pec-deck machine 

Tuesday – Back

25 pull-ups
Seated rows 
Lat pulldowns 
T-bar rows 

Wednesday – Shoulders

Arnold press 
Front raises 

Thursday – Biceps & Triceps

Preacher curls machine 
EZ curls cable 
Hammer curls 

Friday – Cardio

Treadmill 60 minutes – 80-90% MHR

Saturday – Cardio

Treadmill 60 minutes 80-90% MHR

Sunday – Rest

Celebrity Workouts – Angelina Jolie

What if we give you the secrets of Angelina Jolie’s killing figure and tell you that it is possible to achieve it with sheer determination and unwavering hard work? Yes, here we have weekly workout routine plan for you.

Exercise plan example:

Angelina uses light weights and high repetition usually incorporated in circuit training to keep it more interesting and less time consuming. She likes whole body and high intensity workouts.

•             Wide Dumbbell Squats (she repeats it 15 times)

•             Forward Lunges (15 repetitions)

•             Side Lunges with Twist (15 repetitions)

•             Squat and Press (15 repetitions)

•             Stability Ball Leg Curls (10-12 repetitions)

•             Cable Lat Pull downs (10-12 repetitions)

•             Dumbbell Rows (10-12 repetitions)

•             Dumbbell Bicep Curls (10-12 repetitions)

•             Close Grip Bicep Curls (10-12 repetitions)

•             Crunches (15 repetitions)

•             Reverse Crunches (15 repetitions)

•             30 sec of either Mountain Climbers, or Jump Rope

•             High Knees

•             She repeats circuit exercises for two to three times.

•             30-45 Minutes of High Intensity Intervals Training Cardio work (also known as HIIT). It includes either one of them or a combination of two or three machines:

•             Treadmill

•             Xtrainer

•             Stirmaster

•             Aerobics

•             Zumba

•             Or any other cardio activity

High Intensity Interval Training

So, you have done a proper bulk in the winter, but having trouble with the cutting? Or you want to change your routine a bit and challenge yourself? Ok, you can try our high intensity, high reps and low rest between sets program. In order for this to work you have to adjust your diet to get negative caloric balance. It works well combined with “the single best thing to lose weight.”

About the program: In its core are multi-joint exercises with free weights in supersets. It is very intense and the key is to rest no more than a minute between reps and 90 secs between sets. Choose the weight wisely: cheating is acceptable only as last resort for the final reps. The gym sessions are 3 days a week and at least 3 days of cardio training. For best results cardio needs to be done early in the morning on a rest day. If you can’t do it on a rest day you can do cardio early in the morning and later during the day (after at least two meals). You hit the gym at schedule. If you have overslept and everything indicates that you are going to miss cardio because it is already time for the gym – do the cardio after weight training.

The weekly split:

Monday – Chest , Biceps, Abs, Front/ Mid Delts

Tuesday – Cardio

Wednesday – Legs + Abs

Thursday – Rest

Friday  – Cardio

Saturday – Back, Triceps, Traps, Rear Delts, Forearms

Sunday – Cardio


Bench press – 5 x 15, 12, 12, 10, 10

Incline Dumbbell press – 4 x 15, 12, 12, 10

Pec Deck Fly – 4 x 12, 12, 12, 10

Barbell Shoulder Press – 4 х 12

Front Laterals Raise – 3 х 15, 12, 12

Barbell curl – 4 x 12

Incline Dumbbell Curls – 3 х 12, 10, 10

Oblique Cable Crunch – 3 х 20, superset with:

Decline Reverse Crunch – 3 x 20

Russian Twist – 2 х 20, 15


Leg Extensions- 3 x 15, 12, 12 superset with:

Lying Leg Curls – 3 x 15, 12, 12

Barbell Full Squat – 5x 15, 15, 12, 12, 12

Leg Press 2x – 15, 12

Narrow Stance Leg Press – 1x 15

Romanian Deadlift With Dumbbells – 3 х 15, 12, 12

Thigh Adductor – 2x 12, 12

Smith Machine Calf Raise – 3 x 15, 15, 12

Seated Calf Raise – 2 x 15, 12

Decline Crunch – 3 x 20 superset with:

Hanging Leg Raise – 3x 20

Russian Twist – 2х 20, 15


Front Lat Pulldown – 3 x 15, 12, 12 superset with:

Seated cable rows – 3x 15, 12,12

Deadlift – 5 x 15, 12, 12, 10, 10

One-Arm Dumbbell Row – 4 x 15, 12, 12, 10

Hammer strength Shrug – 3 x 15

Triceps Pushdown – 4x 12, 12, 12, 10

Dumbbell Triceps Extension – 3x 12, 12, 10

Reverse Pec Deck Fly – 3 x 12, 12, 10

Seated Palm-Up Barbell Wrist Curl – 3x 15, 15, 12

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10 Popular Kettlebell Movements with Sample Workouts!

10 Kettlebell Movements

What is a good starting weight for Kettlebells?

This would be all down to preference over movements, for example, if you wanted the Kettlebell for only Kettlebell swings then it would mean you would choose a heavier kettlebell (20kg). If you wanted to use the Kettlebell for other movements such as presses/snatches then a little lighter Kettlebell would be the most appropriate. 

What size Kettlebell should I get?

Most people choose to get more than one Kettlebell so they can do a wide variety of movements that require a heavier or lighter Kettlebell. The 12kg and 20kg Kettlebell are often bought together to take advantage of all the movements you are able to do with Kettlebells. Having a pair allows you to carry out intense workouts in the comfort of your own home.

How many Kettlebell swings a day?

It is said that 300 Kettlebell swings a day will help towards fat loss, but remember your diet has to be on point too! not just your workout.

What are Kettlebell swings good for?

The Kettlebell swing works lots of muscles such as; Hips, hamstring, lats, abs, and shoulders. It is also very useful for improving your overall grip as the kettlebells work away on your forearms!

Checkout the most used movements using a Kettlebell, designed to work all the muscle groups! Included with some sample Kettlebell workouts…

10 Popular Movements Using A Kettlebell:

1. The Swing: Grab the weight with both hands, palms facing you. Thrust your hips to swing it to chest height.

2. One Arm Swing: Perform as before, but this time hold the weight in one hand when swinging. Switch hands at the top of each repetition (works on defined abs).

3. Double Swing: Adopt a wide stance and lift the bells. Bend your knees and start with small swings, then slowly increase it to chest level (works back muscles).

4. Single Arm Front Squat: With your elbow by your side and the bell in front of your shoulder, lower into a squat. Stand up; keep the weight close to your chest (works abs).

5. Single Arm Press: Hold the bell at shoulder height, then push it up. Lower slowly (proven more effective than a dumbbell press).

6. Double Clean & Press: Swing two bells. Clean them so they rest in the crook of your elbows. Drive overhead (builds power & strength).

7. Single Arm Snatch: Swing a kettlebell between your legs, then pull it forwards and up, flipping it at chest level. Push it overhead. Swap arms (can be done by snatching to chest, head then overhead if full movement is too difficult).

8. Windmill: Hold the bell above your head. Push your hips to the right; slide your hand down your left leg. Repeat to the left (works on abs).

9. Turkish Get-Up: Lie down, the bell held above you. Rise up to standing, keeping the weight high throughout. Avoid using your arms to stand (works all major muscle groups).

10. Goblet Squat: Hold the bell in front of your chest and lower into a deep squat. Tense your abs and explode back to standing.

Design your own workout from 5 to 6 of the exercises above. If beginner: 3 sets with 10 reps, Intermediate: 3 sets with 15 reps and Experienced: 3 sets with 25 reps or burnout. 60 seconds rest in between sets.

Sample Workouts (Adapt To Your Threshold):

Workout One:

  • Dead to high pull x 6 reps, swings x 6 reps, goblet squats x 6 reps, 5 sets with 1 minute rest between sets. Designed to boost testosterone and work all the core muscles.

Workout Two:

  • Do 6 minutes of continuous movement, with as little rest as possible: Kettlebell swing x 1 minute, Clean and press x 1 minute, Snatch x 1 minute (left arm), Kettlebell swing x 1 minute, Clean and press x 1 minute, Snatch x 1 minute (right arm).

Workout Three (Experienced):

1. Kettlebell Swings; Sets – 3, Reps – 30, Rest – 1 Min. Place a kettlebell a couple of feet in front of you. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and bend your knees to lean forward and grab the handle with both hands. With your back flat, engage your lats to pull the weight between your legs (be careful with how deep you swing) then drive your hips forward and explosively pull the kettlebell up to shoulder height with your arms straight in front of you. Return to the start position and repeat without pauses.

2. Kettlebell Goblet Squat; Sets – 3, Reps – 15, Rest – 1 Min. Stand with your legs slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, clasping a kettlebell in each hand in front of your chest with palms facing each other. Bend your knees and lower yourself into a squat, keeping the kettlebells in the same position and ensuring you don’t round your black by tensing your glutes throughout. Drive back up and repeat.

3. Plyo Kettlebell Press Up; Sets – 3, Reps – Until Burnout, Rest – 1 Min. Place one kettlebell on the floor and get into push-up possition, with one hand on the floor and the other on the kettlebell. Lower yourself as close to the ground as possible, keeping your back straight. Quickly raise your body and swap hands before doing a push-up on the other side, then keep repeating this fluid motion.

4. Single Arm Kettlebell Snatch; Sets – 3, Reps – 15 (each arm), Rest – 1 Min. Holding a kettlebell in one hand between your legs, squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Drive upwards through your hips and knees and as the kettlebell rises to shoulder height, rotate your hand and push it upwards until your arm is locked out. Squat down and return the weight to the start position. Repeat. Complete the prescribed reps with one arm, then swap sides.

5. Renegade Kettlebell Row; Sets – 3, Reps – 20, Rest – 1 Min. Get into push-up position, with both hands holding a kettlebell underneath your shoulders. You may need to widen your legs for more support. Then drive one arm up, retracting your shoulder blade, and so the kettlebell is drawn to your side. Lower it back down to the ground and repeat on the other side.

6. Kettlebell Seated Press; Sets – 3, Reps – 10 (each arm), Rest – 1 Min. Sit on the floor and spread your legs. Hold a kettlebell at shoulder height before extending your arm to drive the kettlebell up above your head. Bring it back down and repeat the sequence.

The Best Way to Beast Those Biceps!

Sick of thinking of ways to get those biceps bigger? Not quite sure on what exercise is best for you? Bust out these simple bicep curl movements next time you’re in the gym and watch your bicep ‘GAINZ’!!

1. The Concentration Curl – This exercise is all about the bicep! Performed in a seated position with your elbow parallel to your thigh muscle, lift the dumbbell slowly from down below into a curled movement. Make sure that you perform this movement slowly whilst making sure that you’re getting a full contraction on that bicep! This movement is ideal at the end of your bicep session as it can pump and exhaust the bicep.

2. Bicep Curl/Preacher Curl – This is another simple bicep movement which can be performed either using an EZ Bar or a regular weight lifting bar. This is a maximum strength movement and is proven more beneficial than using single dumbbells. To perform this movement load the bar with the ideal weight for yourself, stand straight, feet at shoulders width, raise the bar to your torso and curl to the base of the neck/shoulder height. Make sure that you stand firm with no rocking movement as this detracts from the aim of the exercise. Again perform this movement slowly so that maximum contraction is gained!

3. Bent Over Concentration Curl – This movement is very similar to a common concentration curl! The only difference is for this movement you will flex your hips and knees into a bent over position; it is very important that you keep your back straight and support yourself with by placing your dormant hand on your knee. Grab your dumbbell & contract towards your shoulder; perform this movement slowly, avoid any swinging motions so that again maximum contraction is reached!

4. Standing Cable Curl – This movement should be performed in a similar way to the Preacher Curl, except it is performed using a cable machine! Grab the cable bar and raise to the torso, with hand grip facing upwards. For this movement only your forearms should move as you pull the bar up to neck/shoulder height. Try and keep this motion slow and keep the cable bar at the neck/shoulder for an extra second to make sure that contraction is tight and gives you the gains you’re looking for!

5. Lying Forehead Cable Curl – If this movement doesn’t give you those massive biceps that you’re looking for, then nothing will! Grab yourself a bench and place it in front of the cable machine, lie down on the bench with your head closest to the machine. Set the cable bar either straight or EZ bar to arms length away! Simply place yourself under the bar, grab the bar and pull towards your forehead. Make sure that you keep your arms straight and that the only movement comes from the forearms! Again don’t forget to perform slowly so that contraction is at its peak!

6. Incline Dumbbell Curl – Grab that bench and set it to an incline of your choice, ideally half way down from being straight backed or flat! Grab your dumbbells in each hand and place at arm’s length towards the ground. Pull the dumbbell up towards the shoulder, switching between arms as you perform the movement. Again only the forearms should move and hold that contracted position for an extra second, any other movement detracts from the main objective of jacking those biceps!

7. Plank Spider Curl – Performed in a similar manner to the Incline Dumbbell Curl! Except for this movement you’ll be lying chest down on the bench you used for the Incline Curl with your arms towards the floor using 2 dumbbells or you can either use a straight bar or EZ bar! Again the simple movement of moving your forearms up towards your shoulders with full contraction and holding that weight tight for an extra second. Don’t forget to contract slowly for those massive gains!

So there you go! Seven popular bicep movements to give you those shirt busting biceps that you’ve been looking for! As you can see these movements are very simple and are performed at a slower speed to maximise the contraction period. It’s entirely up to yourself how many reps & sets you’d like to perform and how much weight you want to jack into your hands or onto those bars! Just remember slow and steady gives you those bionic biceps that you crave!

How To Build Insanely Jacked Legs!

How often do you see that person in the gym working everything but their legs? Walking around on drainpipes!? Don’t let that person be you! Check out these leg exercises to help you build those ‘Insanely Jacked Legs!’ on your leg day!

Popular Leg Exercises:

Squats – These can be performed in many variations! Firstly the common Barbell Full Squat, which ideally should be performed where a squat rack or Smith’s machine is available. Place the barbell at ideal height, load with desired weight and place yourself under the bar with it resting on the base of your neck/top of your Delts. Place your hands onto the bar, raise the bar by pushing up with your legs and step away from the rack! Now it’s time to jack those legs by making sure your legs are shoulder width apart, now start lowering yourself into a squat position making sure that the hamstrings meet the calves and then raise back into a standing position. Make sure that you keep your back straight to avoid injury!  You can use many variations of this exercise; instead of using a barbell try using a pair of dumbbells or attempt a Pause Squat by holding the weight for an extra second at the base of your squat before extending back to a standing position. Whichever way you perform a squat you’ll be on course for plenty of leg gains!

Lunges – Another leg exercise that has many variations! But the most common being the Dumbbell Lunge. Performed using a pair of dumbbells for resistance; stand up straight with a dumbbell in each hand, step one leg forward lowering your body down, keep that back straight! Push yourself back up into a standing position and alternate between legs, feel the burn as those legs get pumped! You can mix up this exercise by performing with a barbell raised above your head, a jump lunge by exploding between legs in a continual movement & reverse lunge by stepping back instead of stepping forward!

Deadlift – An absolute beast of an exercise that will not only jack those legs but work other muscle groups too! Form is absolutely key when it comes to deadlifting, poor form can lead to increased chance of injury, that’s the last thing we want! Place your feet shoulder width apart with your overhand grip on the outside of the legs, keep your back straight and your shoulders pushed back. The barbell should never move away from the legs during the whole movement with the hips and knees moving in symmetry to transport the barbell from the ground to the upper thigh. Smash this exercise and you’ll be smashing leg day!

Bulgarian Split Squat ­– Another variation of the ever popular squat! The Bulgarian Split Squat is described as the ‘powerhouse of leg exercises’ with all leg muscles getting their fair share of work! To perform grab yourself a bench or something that you can rest your foot on that’s knee height. Place yourself in a forward lunge making sure your core is upright and place your back foot onto the platform. Lower yourself down until your thigh is horizontal; keep your knee in line with your planted foot. Explode back up into your starting position and feel that burn as you progress towards your leg gains!

Leg Press – Wanting to beast your legs? Well this well-liked gym machine will get your legs jacked to the max! The good old leg press is everyone’s favourite gym buddy when it comes to leg exercises. By simply placing your legs on the platform at shoulders width apart, lower the seat so that your legs are at a 90 degree angle. Simply push up so that your legs are extended and return back to your starting position. There’s absolutely no doubt that after you’ve done your sets on this that the burn will be real! This machine can also be used for the calves by placing the pad of your foot on the base of the platform and extending in the same manner.

Example Workout

Barbell Full Squats:  4 sets/6 reps.

Dumbbell Lunge: 4 sets/12 reps on each leg.

Leg Press: 3 sets/12 reps.

Deadlift: 3 sets/6 reps.

Bulgarian Split Squat: 4 sets/12 reps on each leg.

So there you have it, some of the most popular exercises to jack those legs! Which ones will you perform to get those gains started? It’s important when it comes to some leg exercises that form is on point as it’s far too easy to cause injury through bad form. It’s up to yourself how hard and heavy you’d like to go but bear in mind when it comes to jacking those legs, if there’s no pain, there’s no gain! It’s either go hard or go home!

The Beginners Guide to Medicine Balls

The Beginners Guide to Medicine Balls

One of the most over looked bits of equipment in the gym has to be the medicine ball, you often see dumbbells & kettlebells in use but most the time the medicine ball sits collecting dust. Why? They vary in weight and sizes just like the rest! Here’s your chance to get the most of this reliable bit of equipment to boost your gym session!

Popular Exercises Using a Med-Ball

Bear Hug Squat – Ever performed a normal squat? Now it’s time to add a little resistance! Grab your med-ball and hug it tight into your chest, now complete the squat movement. Unsure on how to perform a squat; simply place your feet shoulder width apart or maybe a little further, keep your back straight as you bend your knees, so the hamstrings should meet the calf muscles and then rise back into a standing position!

Shoulder Squat – Performed just like the movement before but this time you’re going to place the med-ball on your shoulder, gripping it tightly so that it does not fall to the floor. Use your free arm to keep your balance by elevating it by your side whilst performing the squat, once you’ve finished your reps on one side simply switch the med-ball over to your other shoulder and perform again!

Squat Press – This is where we ramp it up a little bit! Using the squat movement as you reach the base of the movement where your hamstrings meet the calf muscles hold that position! Once in that position you’ll simply push the med-ball out of your chest for your own desired repetitions, performed as if you were doing a chest press but this time you’re getting use of that med-ball! You can change the exercise up a bit by performing it in a vertical motion by extending out of the squat and thrusting the med-ball above your head working those shoulders!

Burpee – Everyone knows about the burpee but if you ask anyone who has performed the movement you’ll see their face turn! It’s that one exercise that can be described as ‘Marmite’. To use a med-ball for this movement all you’re going to do is grip it tightly with both hands and bow down into a press-up movement using the med-ball for balance under the chest, perform a press-up & explode back onto your feet! Once on your feet jump up off the ground keeping the med-ball within the torso area so that you can easily get back down into the press-up position to complete what may be some of the hardest reps you’ll ever do!

Russian Twist – This exercise will make your torso burn! Sit yourself on the floor heels on the ground with the toes pointing upwards; make sure your legs are at roughly a 45 degree angle. Place your med-ball at either side once you’re ready grab it and move it over your torso to the other side making sure the bottom of the ball touches the ground and then move it back into your starting position performing a twisting movement, carry this on until you can feel that burn!

Lying Chest Pass – It’s time to relax, well kind of! Lie yourself down back and feet flat to the floor with your knees arched. Grab your med-ball and bring it into your chest, gripping the ball slightly under, simply throw the ball up into the air and catch the ball as it comes back down bringing your elbows down to the side or your torso! Feel the burn in your arms as you gradually get those gains you’re looking for!

Twist Lunge – An easy way to simply modify the trusted lunge! All you’ll do to get the most out of this movement using your med-ball is to grip it firmly whilst you perform your lunge and twist to the side that you’ve planted your leg. Alternate between your legs for your desired reps, you’ll sharp soon feel the burn not only in your thighs but also in your torso! You can perm those movement in a nimber of variations, try as you step into the lunge raising the med-ball above your head to work those shoulders as well!

The Halo – An easy variation to possibly finish your workout off with! All you need to do is position yourself standing up straight and firmly grip your med-ball at chest height. From here you’ll swing the med-ball around your head as if you were shaping a ‘halo’ and reverse the motion back into your chest and if you were withdrawing the ‘halo’. Do this until you feel the burn and can no longer perform!

A beginner’s guide to using a Medicine Ball! Next time you’re in the gym or using a med-ball at home place a couple of these exercises into your routine to aid your progress, you’ll definitely feel the benefit! It’s entirely up to yourself the weight of your med-ball and how many reps and sets you’d like to perform but to begin with, stick to keeping it ‘realistic’ 8-10 repetitions, within 3 sets. Once you feel like you’ve cracked the movements up your weight and reps and see those gains come along nicely!