How To Build Insanely Jacked Legs!

How To Build Insanely Jacked Legs!

How often do you see that person in the gym working everything but their legs? Walking around on drainpipes!? Don’t let that person be you! Check out these leg exercises to help you build those ‘Insanely Jacked Legs!’ on your leg day!

Popular Leg Exercises:

Squats – These can be performed in many variations! Firstly the common Barbell Full Squat, which ideally should be performed where a squat rack or Smith’s machine is available. Place the barbell at ideal height, load with desired weight and place yourself under the bar with it resting on the base of your neck/top of your Delts. Place your hands onto the bar, raise the bar by pushing up with your legs and step away from the rack! Now it’s time to jack those legs by making sure your legs are shoulder width apart, now start lowering yourself into a squat position making sure that the hamstrings meet the calves and then raise back into a standing position. Make sure that you keep your back straight to avoid injury!  You can use many variations of this exercise; instead of using a barbell try using a pair of dumbbells or attempt a Pause Squat by holding the weight for an extra second at the base of your squat before extending back to a standing position. Whichever way you perform a squat you’ll be on course for plenty of leg gains!

Lunges – Another leg exercise that has many variations! But the most common being the Dumbbell Lunge. Performed using a pair of dumbbells for resistance; stand up straight with a dumbbell in each hand, step one leg forward lowering your body down, keep that back straight! Push yourself back up into a standing position and alternate between legs, feel the burn as those legs get pumped! You can mix up this exercise by performing with a barbell raised above your head, a jump lunge by exploding between legs in a continual movement & reverse lunge by stepping back instead of stepping forward!

Deadlift – An absolute beast of an exercise that will not only jack those legs but work other muscle groups too! Form is absolutely key when it comes to deadlifting, poor form can lead to increased chance of injury, that’s the last thing we want! Place your feet shoulder width apart with your overhand grip on the outside of the legs, keep your back straight and your shoulders pushed back. The barbell should never move away from the legs during the whole movement with the hips and knees moving in symmetry to transport the barbell from the ground to the upper thigh. Smash this exercise and you’ll be smashing leg day!

Bulgarian Split Squat ­– Another variation of the ever popular squat! The Bulgarian Split Squat is described as the ‘powerhouse of leg exercises’ with all leg muscles getting their fair share of work! To perform grab yourself a bench or something that you can rest your foot on that’s knee height. Place yourself in a forward lunge making sure your core is upright and place your back foot onto the platform. Lower yourself down until your thigh is horizontal; keep your knee in line with your planted foot. Explode back up into your starting position and feel that burn as you progress towards your leg gains!

Leg Press – Wanting to beast your legs? Well this well-liked gym machine will get your legs jacked to the max! The good old leg press is everyone’s favourite gym buddy when it comes to leg exercises. By simply placing your legs on the platform at shoulders width apart, lower the seat so that your legs are at a 90 degree angle. Simply push up so that your legs are extended and return back to your starting position. There’s absolutely no doubt that after you’ve done your sets on this that the burn will be real! This machine can also be used for the calves by placing the pad of your foot on the base of the platform and extending in the same manner.

Example Workout

Barbell Full Squats:  4 sets/6 reps.

Dumbbell Lunge: 4 sets/12 reps on each leg.

Leg Press: 3 sets/12 reps.

Deadlift: 3 sets/6 reps.

Bulgarian Split Squat: 4 sets/12 reps on each leg.

So there you have it, some of the most popular exercises to jack those legs! Which ones will you perform to get those gains started? It’s important when it comes to some leg exercises that form is on point as it’s far too easy to cause injury through bad form. It’s up to yourself how hard and heavy you’d like to go but bear in mind when it comes to jacking those legs, if there’s no pain, there’s no gain! It’s either go hard or go home!

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