The Beginners Guide to Medicine Balls

The Beginners Guide to Medicine Balls

The Beginners Guide to Medicine Balls

One of the most over looked bits of equipment in the gym has to be the medicine ball, you often see dumbbells & kettlebells in use but most the time the medicine ball sits collecting dust. Why? They vary in weight and sizes just like the rest! Here’s your chance to get the most of this reliable bit of equipment to boost your gym session!

Popular Exercises Using a Med-Ball

Bear Hug Squat – Ever performed a normal squat? Now it’s time to add a little resistance! Grab your med-ball and hug it tight into your chest, now complete the squat movement. Unsure on how to perform a squat; simply place your feet shoulder width apart or maybe a little further, keep your back straight as you bend your knees, so the hamstrings should meet the calf muscles and then rise back into a standing position!

Shoulder Squat – Performed just like the movement before but this time you’re going to place the med-ball on your shoulder, gripping it tightly so that it does not fall to the floor. Use your free arm to keep your balance by elevating it by your side whilst performing the squat, once you’ve finished your reps on one side simply switch the med-ball over to your other shoulder and perform again!

Squat Press – This is where we ramp it up a little bit! Using the squat movement as you reach the base of the movement where your hamstrings meet the calf muscles hold that position! Once in that position you’ll simply push the med-ball out of your chest for your own desired repetitions, performed as if you were doing a chest press but this time you’re getting use of that med-ball! You can change the exercise up a bit by performing it in a vertical motion by extending out of the squat and thrusting the med-ball above your head working those shoulders!

Burpee – Everyone knows about the burpee but if you ask anyone who has performed the movement you’ll see their face turn! It’s that one exercise that can be described as ‘Marmite’. To use a med-ball for this movement all you’re going to do is grip it tightly with both hands and bow down into a press-up movement using the med-ball for balance under the chest, perform a press-up & explode back onto your feet! Once on your feet jump up off the ground keeping the med-ball within the torso area so that you can easily get back down into the press-up position to complete what may be some of the hardest reps you’ll ever do!

Russian Twist – This exercise will make your torso burn! Sit yourself on the floor heels on the ground with the toes pointing upwards; make sure your legs are at roughly a 45 degree angle. Place your med-ball at either side once you’re ready grab it and move it over your torso to the other side making sure the bottom of the ball touches the ground and then move it back into your starting position performing a twisting movement, carry this on until you can feel that burn!

Lying Chest Pass – It’s time to relax, well kind of! Lie yourself down back and feet flat to the floor with your knees arched. Grab your med-ball and bring it into your chest, gripping the ball slightly under, simply throw the ball up into the air and catch the ball as it comes back down bringing your elbows down to the side or your torso! Feel the burn in your arms as you gradually get those gains you’re looking for!

Twist Lunge – An easy way to simply modify the trusted lunge! All you’ll do to get the most out of this movement using your med-ball is to grip it firmly whilst you perform your lunge and twist to the side that you’ve planted your leg. Alternate between your legs for your desired reps, you’ll sharp soon feel the burn not only in your thighs but also in your torso! You can perm those movement in a nimber of variations, try as you step into the lunge raising the med-ball above your head to work those shoulders as well!

The Halo – An easy variation to possibly finish your workout off with! All you need to do is position yourself standing up straight and firmly grip your med-ball at chest height. From here you’ll swing the med-ball around your head as if you were shaping a ‘halo’ and reverse the motion back into your chest and if you were withdrawing the ‘halo’. Do this until you feel the burn and can no longer perform!

A beginner’s guide to using a Medicine Ball! Next time you’re in the gym or using a med-ball at home place a couple of these exercises into your routine to aid your progress, you’ll definitely feel the benefit! It’s entirely up to yourself the weight of your med-ball and how many reps and sets you’d like to perform but to begin with, stick to keeping it ‘realistic’ 8-10 repetitions, within 3 sets. Once you feel like you’ve cracked the movements up your weight and reps and see those gains come along nicely!

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