How to improve your grip!

To most our grip is a limiting factor which stops us from holding onto things for long periods of time, but to others grip is a common variable of training and is essential to achieve their goals. Grip training becomes more apparent for; Strongman, Powerlifting, Gymnastics, Weightlifting and other forms of physical exercise that requires you to hold onto things for a period of time. Saying this, improving grip is something we can all benefit from. Training grip will benefit all upper body exercises as it supports strong ligaments and tendons in the hands, arms and shoulders. Grip training has an influence on heavy lifts and therefore can help you perform better overall when you are testing your body.

There are no structured tasks that are required for you to improve your grip, instead it’s merged into your normal training routine and implemented where necessary. There is also such equipment that can be used to supplement your grip such as chalk and straps; both of these provide support and lead to holding onto things being just that bit easier. It’s also good to remember that as you get older Sarcopenia can take effect on your body, training grip can go towards battling this as it can be a good indicator of simple muscle strength as well as muscle functionality.

Follow our quick 5 step guide to achieve killer grip.

Step 1 – Timed Holds

Whenever you are doing barbell movements such as the deadlift make sure you are squeezing your hand as tight as possible, start to implement 5 second holds at the end of every set and this will start to test your grip strength and result in it getting stronger over time.

Step 2 – Pull More

Pulling more results in more grip training. Movements like; Pull-ups, pulldowns and rows do their part in training your upper back, but they can also improve your grip strength.

Step 3 – Heavy Carries

Exercises that require you to hold onto weight over a distance can really benefit your grip strength, this includes dumbbell movements such as; Farmers Carries and Lunges. Can do these with barbells or kettlebells which can be both found on our website.

Step 4 – Grip Equipment

Not everyone has access to such equipment but if you do then you should take full advantage. Hand grip exercises that provide different amounts of resistance depending on the one you use is good equipment to use as you can measure your grip strength constantly by being able to touch the prongs together. Once completed you can move on to higher resistance Hand Grips and keep going until you have finished all the ones in the gym and you now you need your own!

Step 5 – Bar Hangs

As simple as it sounds! Find a bar in your gym or somewhere at your local park and hang from the bar for as long as you can, do this for several sets. Make sure you record how long you are hanging for and try your best to improve your time each set. Do this for several weeks and you will surely benefit from it.

How long can you hang from the bar for? Put your grip strength to the ultimate test and join us in Newcastle City centre Monday 25th June to see if you’ve got what it takes to take home 1 of our prizes.

Come, get involved!

60 Days Before Summer

60 Days Before Summer

Firstly, be honest and don’t lie to yourself.

Making a judgement on your current condition in terms of fitness levels and body composition is necessary for you to achieve your goals.  You need to know your starting point and how you are going to measure your progress over the next 60 days. You can do this by establishing a weekly average weight – this will be done by weighing yourself every day for a week and finding the mean which will show your average weight. Once you have this number locked in you can firstly aim to achieve a lower average weekly body weight the following week. Now we also need to get a solid understanding of your current fitness levels and this can change from person to person as it depends upon what your current goal is, whether it be running, cycling, swimming we are aiming to improve your performance in a fitness orientated exercise.

Set Goals

What are your goals? A question we ask at the start of this journey and now needs answering, once a solid understanding of your current physique and capabilities has been understood then it is possible to set realistic goals that you can achieve. We do not want to set goals that are out of reach as this can be demotivating when the journey gets tough or you are getting cravings. If cravings are something that you really struggle with then a good way to combat this is to introduce high protein snacks into your diet! As you are going to be working out more and potentially eating fewer calories then you will be required to increase your protein intake which can be done using Protein Shakes and as mentioned previously high protein snacks.

Be Accountable

Possibly the most important part of the whole process. This can be done in many ways such as Calorie Counters, Step Counters, Cook Books, Fitness DVDs or even just a little notepad that tracks all of your nutrition and exercise in a week. You need to be honest with yourself as the only person that is stopping you from achieving your goals is yourself. Schedule your workouts, find a workout partner and even consider using a qualified PT to show you the ropes if you are struggling.

Easy Workout to Lose Weight Fast for Beginners

This plan is perfect if you have never really excercised before or have taken a long break and need easing back in. These simple exercises will jolt your metabolism out of lazy mode and get it moving again. But to make this plan work, you need to keep your workouts short and manageable. That way, you never have an excuse to skip a session.
For this workout, you only exercise 1-3 times each day, but each workout is only 7 minutes and are easily intergrated into your busy lifestyle. You do not need expensive gym clothes or any extra equipment.
Easy beginner workout:

7 minutes fast walk
7 minutes of easy lunges and easy push ups
7 minutes fast walk

These simple excercises are enough to increase your heart rate to a fat burning level. Set alarms on your phone to ensure that you stick to the plan. Looking to increase the intensity? Turn a fast walk into a run, do more advanced lunges and push ups against a wall and walk/run up the office stairs or channel your inner Rocky and find some outdoors.

Easy Exercise Routine for Regular Exercisers

If you are already a keen gym goer who needs that extra boost before hitting the beach then think about adding adding 30-45 minutes of easy enjoyable activity at the opposite end of your day as your normal workout:

If you work out in the morning, add a brisk evening walk to your schedule.
If you exercise in the evening, consider biking or walking to work in the morning.

If you stick to your easy workout routine and hit your goals and eat well you should see some change in the scale or in the way your clothes fit after a week or two!

Supplement Support

SS Healthfoods is here to support your fitness journey! We have a wide range of Supplements available as well as Health foods and Gym Equipment, anything you need we’ve got it covered!

Our Home Workout Bundle is ideal for anyone starting out – save yourself the stress of a 12 month gym contract that you are guaranteed to forget about. With a 12kg Kettlebell + 5kg Medicine Ball + Leather Skipping Rope + Shaker this bundle is all you need to work up a sweat from the comfort of your own home.

PhD Diet Whey is the best protein on the market for fat-loss, it contains a multitude of potential fat-loss ingredients which may assist with the building of fat-free muscle, without any bulking or excess calorie intake. With only 5g of carbs, a whopping 34g of protein; this palm oil free protein comes in several tasty flavours at the lowest price in the UK – just £17.99.

Our Deals Under £15 section contains plenty of best sellers at the best price – from creatine to energy drinks to high protein snacks you are bound to find a supplement that will help sculpt that summer body.

CBD Muslce Salves will help aid with recovery post-workout – with 1000mg of Broad Spectrum CBD Oil it incorporates a host of natural herbs and essential oils to provide a complete, muscle relaxing experience.

Our own range of SSnackboxes will help curb those cravings in a healthy manner. They come in three tiers, Our first tiered box is our Essential Protein Snack Box filled with our favourite snacks as well as some free samples of our best selling protein powder. The next level up is our most popular box the Premium Protein Snack Box. With the addition of a large cookie, the nations favourite protein bar, Grenade, plus more items this box represents great value for money! Finally we have the Platinum Protein Box, our largest ever box. Whether you share it with a friend or you think you can tackle it all yourself, this box will help you through all those cravings.

And that is that; get working on that summer body and in no time you will have the figure you have always strived for! If you require any advice then please do not hesitate to give us a message on Facebook.

Captain America Workout


Who would have thought that the scrawny WWII recruit would become one most renowned heroes within the MCU? Steve Rogers always brings a big presence on the battlefield, whether that be physical or mental – but his physical presence is something that the villains in the MCU are petrified of, but how did he get like that?

Chris Evans stated that he lost a lot of mass before the filming of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, so he needed to regain the stature that Cap’ is known for.

He did admit to doing almost no cardiovascular training. Thankfully though, the scenes in these type of movies are shot in short bursts, meaning his cardiovascular endurance isn’t tested and he has plenty of time to recuperate in between the scenes. When trying this workout, remember to do your cardio – a simple 10-15 minute jog to warm up and warm down should suffice. 


This program follows a 12-week cycle, each week you repeat the workouts listed below and you may eventually achieve your goal in looking like Captain America. This workout plan only works if you are eating a diet that follows your goal, hi-protein foods and protein shakes/mass gainers are a good way to promote muscle growth and recovery followed by a good night sleep. Use a BMI calculator to work out how many calories you are needing to consume daily.

It is extremely important to note that when following the guide below, to using a weight that you’re most comfortable with. Any excessive use of weights that your body is not equipped to handle can result in injury.

Below is a 4-day exercise program that is believed to be like the actual workout, that if followed over the course of 12 weeks with the correct diet should have you looking like Steve Rodgers himself. studied how Chris Evans trains and how his trainer trained his other clients and came up with this.

Day One:

Warm Up: 10-15 minute jog on a treadmill with an incline.

1.    3 sets of Squats, with 5 repetitions in each set.

2.    3 sets of Deadlifts, with 5 repetitions in each set.

3.    2 sets of Jump Squats, with 12 repetitions in each set.

4.    2 sets of Box Jumps with, 10 repetitions in each set.

5.    2 sets of Lying Leg Curls with, 12 repetitions in each set.

6.    2 sets of Standing Machine Calf Raises, with 15 repetitions in each set.

Day Two:

Warm Up: 10-15-minute jog on a treadmill with an incline.

1.    3 sets of Army Presses, with 5 reputations in each set.

2.    3 sets of Incline Dumbbell Presses. with 5 repetitions in each set

3.    3 sets of Pull Ups, with 12 repetitions in each set.

4.    3 sets of Z-Presses, with 8 repetitions in each set.

5.    3 sets of press ups with, 12 repetitions in each set.

6.    3 sets of an Inverted Row, with 12 repetitions in each set.

Day Three:

It’s important in any workout that you rest your body and let it recover. Consuming hi-protein foods and shakes are the best way to feed your muscle and get them the vital nutrition that they need.

Day Four:

Warm Up: 10-15-minute jog on a treadmill with an incline.

1.    3 sets of the Trap Bar Deadlift, with 5 repetitions in each set.

2.    3 sets of Front Squats, with 5 repetitions in each set.

3.    3 sets of the Leg Press, with 12 repetitions in each set.

4.    2 sets of Seated Leg Curls, with 15 repetitions in each set.

5.    2 sets of Jumping Lunges, with 15 in each set

6.    2 sets of Seated Calf Raises, with 15 in each set.

Day Five

Warm Up: 10-15-minute jog on a treadmill with an incline.

1.    3 sets of Bent Over Rowing, with 5 repetitions in each set

2.    3 sets of the Incline Bench Press, with 5 repetitions in each set.

3.    3 sets of the Kneeling Shoulder Press, with repetitions in each set.

4.    3 sets of One Arm Dumbbell Rows, with 12 repetitions in each set.

5.    3 sets of Dips, with 15 repetitions in each set.

6.    3 sets of Chin-Ups, with 15 repetitions in each set.

Day Six & Seven: 
Rest days & cheat day. Make sure you use them wisely and satisfy any cravings you may have from the brutal workout you’ve endeared for the week past.


People like Chris Evans pay a lot of money to get top class nutritionists and personal trainers, so if you need to get that extra bit of energy or need some help with your protein intake – here are some supplements we recommend. 

Protein Powders
Labrada Iso Whey (2268g)
Dorian Yates ShadoWhey (2 kg)
Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey (2.2kg)

The Bulk Protein Company Serious Gainz (5 kg)
Mutant Mass (6.8 kg)


Rich Piana 5% 5150 (30 Servings)
Cobra Labs The Curse (250g)
BSN NO-Xplode (30 servings)


Dorian Yates The Creatine (316g)
PHD Creatine 250g
BPI Micronized Creatine (60 Servings)

Protein Bars

Grenade Carb Killa Bars (12 Bars)
Universal Nutrition Hi Protein Bars 16x85g

Top 5 Home-Workouts That Will Get Your Heart Beating

Most resistance machines at the gym are only used for one or two purposes, the beauty of home-workouts is that the equipment you do need can be used for a lot of different exercises giving you very good value for money.

Whilst a gym is usually the best place to work out and help increase your strength as well as the cardiovascular system, it is not for everyone. That is why we have compiled a list to help you maximise your workout from the comfort of your own home.

As well as the rest of the workouts listed below, you can also pick up Universal Nutrition’s Animal Training DVD, Resistance Bands or a grip exerciser with counter 

Anyways, let’s get into the workouts.


Before you begin the workouts, make sure you are in a clear space away from personal belongings and you could risk personal damage to property as well as injury.

The workouts…


Chin-ups are the exercise that everyone loves to hate. This exercise is a full body can improve your grip strength, posture as well as your appearance. Another added benefit of this workout is that it strengthens the muscles which stabilise the spine – which can help reduce the chance of injury.

For this exercise, you’ll need a pull-up bar.

If you’re not sure how to do a chin-up correctly, see this video…


For this exercise, you’ll need a kettlebell

This kettlebell workout will help train your quads, glutes, calves and your hamstrings.

Use either one or two hands (whichever feels more comfortable) and pull the kettlebell to your chest. Make sure your hand/s is/are level with the kettlebell at chest level with your arms close to your body with your elbows tucked in. Keep your feet just wider than shoulder-width apart with your toes pointing forward.

Whilst pushing your hips back, simultaneously bend your knees and lower your legs until your thighs are just above the floor, it is important to inhale during this part of the exercise.

Now, whilst exhaling, press your heels of the foot and push your hips in order to return to the starting positions. Repeat for 5 repetitions at a time.

If you’re still unsure as to how to do it, check out this video (insert a link to video).


For this exercise, you’re going to need a medicine ball.

To start, lie face down on the floor or an exercise mat. Stretch your arms in front of you with a lightweight medicine ball. Then slowly begin to lift your arms and legs as high as you possibly can. This helps you build muscle in your back and increase your core strength. Hold this position for a few seconds and slowly lift your arms and legs back down and repeat for up to 45 seconds.

If you’re still unsure as to what I mean, check out this video:


For this exercise, you’ll need a skipping rope (or a jump rope if you’re from the US).

This workout will last for five minutes, and you can repeat it to your heart’s content.

·         Start to minute one: Stand your feet shoulder-width apart, holding both handles of the skipping rope together in one hand. Then begin to start tracing a figure of eight with the rope, shifting weight from side to side as you move your body.

·         Minute one to minute two: For this part of the exercise, just skip one jump per turn, just to get yourself in the rhythm and get your heart pumping.

·         Minute two to minute three: This will be jumping jacks. On the first turn, you’re going to land with your feet apart, and the next turn land with your feet together and repeat until that minute is up.

·         Minute three to minute four: In this one, slalom to your left after your first turn. On your second turn, slalom to the right 6 inches, and repeat until the minute is up.

·         Minute four to minute five: For the final minute, you’re going to burn up the energy you have left by skipping as fast as you can. However, if you feel yourself getting too tired – stop immediately as you are at a much higher risk of tripping and sustaining an injury.

If you’re looking to lose weight, this cardiovascular exercise will certainly be beneficial for you.


For this exercise, you’re going to need a kettlebell again.

This exercise is ideal if you are looking to lose fat. A kettlebell swing is one of the most effective exercises people use at the gym, and you can do it at home if you’re not up to going to the gym. Used best as a finishing exercise to improve your cardiovascular system and burn fat but is also effective at improving core strength.

To start, place the kettlebell slightly in front of you on the ground and in between your feet – which should be around shoulder-width apart from each other. Keep your legs slightly bent and hinging at the hips, then begin to grab the kettlebell and pull it back between your legs, this will create momentum.

Then move your hips forward whilst straightening your back at the same time to send the kettlebell to shoulder height. Whilst still grasping the kettlebell, let the kettlebell fall back between your legs and repeat the move for 45 seconds to a minute.

It is important to note not to rely too much on your upper body to move the weight, as it may cause injuries. If you’re still not 100% sure on how to do it, check this video out (

Workout Music: 7 Amazing Benefits

Everyone listens to music in the gym. But why do we? Is it because everyone else does or just so no-one else talks to you?

In this blog post we’re going to be looking at all the amazing benefits listening to music actually has on your workout. Not only can it be a good noise filler, but it also improves your overall well-being, helps to regulate your emotions and create happiness in your life. This can have a positive impact in the gym because you will already be in a better mood from listening to music.

Good Distraction

Working out with music can help make you less aware of exertion. This distraction can help benefit athletic performance by around 15%. Also, the faster the music the better. Upbeat songs have more information for the brain to process. Which will help take your mind off the fact you’re at the gym and can turn your workouts into a more enjoyable experience.

It can also prevent you from being distracted by people around you and prevent you from being caught up in any unwanted chat which can disrupt your workflow. It will also help improve your workout routine since you will be more focused on exercising.

Improved Effort

Everyone has those few songs that get them pumped up. The type of music that you listen to before going on a night out. Studies have shown that cyclists who listened to fast-paced music of around 120-140 beats per minute (bpm) actually worked harder. Therefore, plugging in your headphones and putting on your favourite workout playlist will help you focus and perform better. It will also help increase your heart rate and get the blood pumping.

Fitness classes and aerobic activities are also good because they have loud, energetic music playing whilst you exercise which is used to help push yourself to the next level and burn more fat.

Get In The Zone

Most gym-goers know the pain of forgetting your headphones or having a lot on your mind at the gym. It can make focusing on your workouts more difficult. However, music helps to drown out everything that’s going on around you and allows you to get in the zone, staying engaged in your workout. Most people have that one song that gets them in the zone so this is a good place to start and from there you will find it easier to stay in the zone.

Keeping Up With The Pace

Sometimes it can be difficult to keep a steady pace when you’re at the gym. All it takes is someone else going a bit slower or faster than you and your concentration can lapse. However, music is a good way to help keep that steady pace.

The rhythm of the workout music stimulates the motor area of the brain as to when to move which will help during self-paced exercises such as running. You don’t want to listen to music too fast though where you can’t keep up the pace. You need to listen to something which you can keep a steady pace with and get in a good rhythm.

Lightens The Mood

Listening to music has massive benefits on your happiness levels. This is due to the fact that listening to music releases dopamine and keeps your stress levels down. Working out also releases dopamine so when the two are combined it greatly elevates your mood. You can also use music to help escape from reality and stay focused on yourself throughout your workout.

Listening to music also reduces stress and anxiety which is one of the reasons why many people avoid going to the gym. Therefore, listening to music could help you overcome your anxieties on going to the gym and help you through your workouts.

Get Moving

Music goes hand in hand with dancing, so once you have one of your favourite songs playing it won’t be long before you’re tapping your feet and getting your groove on. When you’re at the gym, your music will help you get moving no matter how much you’re dreading your workout. This will help make your workouts more fun also and keep your mood elevated.

Time Flies When You’re Having Fun

Some workouts can be extremely boring. For example, running on a treadmill for an hour is not the most fun activity in the world. However, listening to some music can help the time pass quicker, especially when you’re doing an activity that you don’t particularly enjoy too much.

Well, there you have it. The reasons why listening to music in the gym makes you feel so good. Whether it be a spinning class mix or a classic pop playlist – listening to music int the gym benefits everybody and can help you increase the longevity and overall performance of your workouts.

The Importance of Joint Supplements in Fitness & Our Top Products

Joint ache and pain can be crippling; it can take away all of your motivation to continue with workouts and weight training by developing the belief that it is exacerbating the pain. Ironically though, strength training and regular exercise is essential in strengthening the muscles around your joints and keeping them lubricated to avoid swelling and pain. A common myth around joint pain is that it is always a sign of arthritis but more often it is the result of a sprain injury, the improper use of weights or using too heavy weights. The most regular cause of joint pain in weight trainers is Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) which is caused by overuse or repetitive movements.

Often, painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the first port of call for this problem but joint supplements can be more beneficial and a much healthier way of controlling the aches and pains. So here’s a list of our top products for this problem:

Natrol Glucosamine & MSM 4 fl. Oz 

A natural component of cartilage that is used to stop the bones from rubbing together and causing inflammation and pain, Glucosamine can help prevent cartilage breakdown which can ultimately lead to Arthritis.

Directions: Gently massage a small amount of cream over the desired area of skin and allow to absorb. Apply Several times a day as needed.

NOW Glucosamine & Chondroitin with Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)

Studies illustrate that Glucosamine and Chondroitin promote normal joint mobility and comfort and MSM is a sulfur which naturally occurs to create optimal nutritional support in producing healthy joint structures.

Directions: Take 3 Capsules Daily.

Rich Piana 5% Joint Defender (296g)

Joint Defender contains D-Glucoasmine, MSM, Collagen Type II, Tumeric Extract and more, and relieves exercise associated inflammation and pain. Inflammation can cause joint pain, tension, muscle soreness and poor recovery and supplemental CII – as found in 5% Joint Support – results in less inflammation and contributes to overall joint health.

Directions: Mix 1 scoop (14.8) of with 200-300ml of cold water and consume

Labrada Elasti Joint (384g) 

The active ingredients in Labrada Elasti Joint strengthen and rebuild joints as well as being a powerful joint-support supplement that is designed to maintain healthy joint function, elasticity, and flexibility which allows for the support of larger muscles.

Directions: Stir 1 scoop of ElastiJoint support formula into 1 cup (8 fl oz) of room temperature water. Stir or blend intil smooth and drink. Do not exceed 2 scoops per day

Animal Flex Powder (381g)

Animal Flex Powder addresses the importance of the underlying structure, which help your lifting and building strength, by supporting your joints, bones, and ligaments because weak joints can increase your risk of injury.

Directions: Just take a serving of Animal Flex along with 10 oz.of your beverage of choice, with any meal during the day and you’re set — doesn’t matter which meal it is. That’s it. As a “core” or foundational supplement use Animal Flex daily — on both training and non-training days. No need to “cycle” it.

Optimum Nutrition Fish Oil

This oil contains fatty acids that can’t be made by your body and one of the only ways to meet your body’s requirements.

Recommended Use: Take 1 soft gels 3 times a day.

Nordic Naturals Complete Omega D3

Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties which help reduce the swelling and therefore pressure and pain in joints. Omega 3 fatty acids can reduce the production of molecules and substances linked to inflammation such as inflammatory eicosanoids and cytokines.

Directions: Two soft gels daily, with food, or as directed by your health care professional or pharmacist.

Devil’s Claw

Joint pain can be brought on through many different causes but living an active lifestyle is one of them and Devil’s Claw can relieve this. The active compound; Harpagosid has been used to relieve daily aches and soreness for over 30 years and the knowledge gained through this, coupled with the powerful formula has huge benefits on joint pain.

Directions: As a dietary supplement, take two capsules two to three times per day with water.

BetterYou Magnesium Gel 150ml

Typically, applying Magnesium topically is the most efficient delivery system of the mineral and provides many benefits for muscle health and pain management by treating and improving muscle pain, cramps and fatigue. The gel is quickly delivered through the skins and into the bloodstream to encourage regeneration of tissues and can be used to increase flexibility, strength and endurance for athletes.

Directions: Apply a small pea-sized amount onto the targeted area and massage well into the skin. Reapply whenever needed. For best results, apply to clean skin. Apply anywhere on the body avoiding delicate areas such as the eyes. Concentrate on joints, muscles and areas of concern. Suitable for children and for use during pregnancy.

5 Fantastic Fitness and Health Benefits of Boxing Workouts

Boxing is quite a high-intensity sport which requires a high level of skill, speed, stamina, agility, hand-eye coordination, just to name a few. However, boxing as a fitness activity allows you to acquire these skills without having to take a punch. Not only that, but boxing also helps tone and strengthen your muscles. As well as burning tons of calories and can be a great help in weight loss.

Here are five fitness and health benefits of boxing workouts:


Boxing workouts use your entire body so when you’re throwing punches, most of your body’s muscles are working at the same time. ExtraBoxing says this puts extra stress on your heart and lungs so that they’re challenged enough to make beneficial physiology adaptations to support a higher level of physical activity. Boxing tests your cardiovascular system and forces your body to adapt, improving your heart and lungs’ ability to deliver oxygen around your body. Meaning you can then work out at a higher intensity, which will help increase fat burning and weight loss.


DynamicBoxing thinks that boxing is possibly the best full-body workout around. When throwing punches correctly, it uses almost all of your muscles in your body. When punching against resistance, it causes all of these muscles to contract with more force and speed. This will help to develop your strength and power further.


DynamicBoxing also says that boxing can help improve your hand-eye coordination. When you’re punching a punching bag, you are tasked with having the ability to see the target, react to the target and hit the target. This is done whilst the target is moving and changing position. Therefore, it is quite difficult at first however, with practice, your hand-eye coordination will gain substantial improvements.

Having good hand-eye coordination can help you a lot as you get older. Individuals with good hand-eye coordination tend to have quicker reaction times and better physical coordination as a whole. This is important during ageing because balance and coordination are compromised which can increase the risks of falls.


Boxing does have a lot of positive physical effects. However, it also has some positive psychological effects. Exercise in general increases endorphins which boosts mood works as a form of meditation and improves sleep. All of these help to reduce stress. Punching helps to relieve muscle tension that can collect when you experience stress. Also, hitting stuff can make you feel really good, which means you can take out the stress of your normal life in a safe, controlled environment. It will help to keep you calm after you leave the gym and you will walk out with a lot less anger. As you continue to punch, you will find your focus is improved which will increase your concentration and help you forget the reasons why you are stressed.


Boxing can make you feel more powerful and have a positive effect on your mental health. This can give you more of a fighting spirit and enable you to deal better with challenging situations in life. Boxing can instil a sense of achievement which will also build your confidence up and improve your self-esteem. Also, many of the mental skills which you will learn when boxing can be used outside of the ring. For example, finding your fighting style and mastering your defence can help both at work and in your social circles.

Boxing Exercises


According to Fit Body Buzz, it’s the most simple and effective exercise, it’s the most famous exercise in the boxing world. It involved punching an extremely heavy bag which is typically attached to a chain. It improves the fitness and health of the person doing it as it tests the strength and stamina of the person do it. The weight of the bag really tests your muscles and trains your arms to throw more powerful and quick punches. 

Our SSS Red & Black Punch Bag is real leather and measures 180 cm x 35 cm and comes unfilled. This means you get your own choice on how to fill it so you can adjust it to your preferred weight easily. 


Using a speedball is a brilliant way to improve your boxing ability. Speedballs improve your hand-eye coordination, this is because you won’t have time to pick and plan your punches and have to react purely to the way the ball is moving. Due to how quick is moves as well, it will also improve your footwork as the way it moves mimics an actual boxing fight. Its speed makes it a brilliant HIIT exercise as you will be constantly moving at a high speed. 

Improve your hand-eye coordination with our own branded Ironman Leather Speedball. As well as improving coordination, it will also improve your fitness and endurance whilst improving your confidence in the sport of boxing. It comes with its own swivel hook so you can put it anywhere you want. 


World champion boxers all use skipping ropes. VElite outline something called the boxer skip which mimics the footwork you would use during the fight. When they do the boxer skimp they shift their weight from one foot to another one which mimics the weight they would be doing when they’re throwing a jab or a punch. 

As well as boxing workouts, Skipping is one of the best cardiovascular exercises that produce results. It is cheap and can be done anywhere, anytime. Ideal for shedding weight fast, toning up and maintaining muscle tone. Skipping ropes are an excellent tool for any fitness level or goal. Have a look at our Lonsdale Skipping Ropes if you’re in the market for some.

Dumbbell Exercises & Kettlebell Exercises, Which Is Best?

The two types of free weights you’re most likely to encounter at your local gym. Dumbbells and kettlebells. Both have their weaknesses and strong points. But which is better for results? Read on and you’ll find out.

If you’re looking to add more dynamic movement into your workouts, then kettlebells are the way forward. Kettlebells are extremely effective if you’re looking to implement explosive and physical movements. Also, if your goal is powerlifting, plus improvements, or if you’re competing in a sport that requires explosiveness, like basketball or Cross-Fit games, then kettlebells can help you to reach greater gains.

Some kettlebell exercises can involve using several major muscle groups at a time. A good example of this is the kettlebell swing. The kettlebell swing can help increase your heart rate which will provide cardiovascular benefits as well as building muscle. A kettlebell swing will activate your entire posterior chain of muscles, whereas you won’t get that from using dumbbells alone.

When it comes to working out with basic movements, the dumbbells win this one. “Dumbbells are great for a little bit of everything.” They’re great for basic exercises like chest press, shoulder press or even squats and they don’t require swinging the weight around. This helps to make your workouts a little bit more straightforward.

If you want to mix up your workouts a bit, to keep you on your toes, then kettlebells can help. Try using kettlebells during a high-intensity interval training workout. 30-60 seconds of all-out effort kettlebell swings to finish off your workout can work wonders.

Kettlebells can help improve your grip. This is because the handle on a kettlebell is thicker than the handle on a dumbbell. Therefore, something like a bent-over row with a kettlebell weight will usually help strengthen your grip. By improving your grip, you will find it easier partaking in more challenging workouts, like pull-ups.

Kettlebells aren’t great for improving your general strength and fitness. Basic weightlifting will usually lead to significantly greater improvements in your strength over a short period. Therefore, sticking to dumbbells is probably the best idea if your goal is a general strength and fitness improvements.

If you’re new to working out, then maybe kettlebells aren’t the best idea maybe unless you have a personal trainer with you. Dumbbells are definitely the better choice for newbies in weight training and much easier to start training with.

Although, if you’re looking to add something a bit more challenging into your workout, then kettlebells will definitely do this for you. They don’t provide that stability that you get when lifting dumbbells, which makes them more like unbalanced objects that you pick up every day. This means that they provide an extra challenge, as well as the element of danger. Which is why people new to working out should definitely stick to dumbbells to begin with.

You can, however, use dumbbells also to make your workouts more challenging. You don’t need to use dumbbells in slow movements. You could attempt explosive movements with them by doing some cross-fit exercises such as squat cleans or hang cleans. You could also practice some of the kettlebells explosive moves with dumbbells first before you move onto kettlebells. Also, kettlebells don’t always come in small size increments as dumbbell weights do. Therefore, it could be difficult to find the perfect fit.

So, which should you choose? If you’re a newbie, or you’re looking to perform basic strength training, then you should head towards the dumbbell set. If you’re looking for a challenge, however, then maybe think about picking up some kettlebells.

Home-Workout: Top 6 Workouts for Beginners

Starting the gym can be daunting, especially when you don’t know the techniques of certain exercises and don’t want to shell out for a personal trainer. That’s why we’re going to compile our top 6 Home Workout exercises to burn that fat and get your heart rate elevated.

6 – Kettlebell Swings

(Source: Men’s Health;

This exercise is ideal if you are looking to lose weight. A kettlebell swing is one of the most effective exercises people use at the gym, and you can do it at home if you’re not up for going to the gym. Used best as a finishing exercise to improve your cardiovascular system and burn fat but is also effective at improving core strength.

To start, place the kettlebell slightly in front of you on the ground and in between your feet – which should be around shoulder-width apart from each other. Keep your legs slightly bent and hinging at the hips, then begin to grab the kettlebell and pull it back between your legs, this will create momentum.

Then move your hips forward whilst straightening your back at the same time to send the kettlebell to shoulder height. Whilst still grasping the kettlebell, let the kettlebell fall back between your legs and repeat the move for 45 seconds to a minute.

5 – Dumbbell Stepping Lunge

(Source: Scott Herman Fitness;

The muscle that is targeted the most by a dumbbell stepping lunge is your quads. You use your quads to straighten the knee from a bent position and also to help keep your kneecap in its normal position. Healthy quads help you to maintain and improve your balance and mobility. Bad quads can lead to things such as hamstring injuries while healthy quads can help you maintain bone health.

Your starting position for the dumbbell stepping lunge: stand upright with a dumbbell of equal weight in each hand. Then proceed to take one large step with your right leg (around 2 feet) whilst leaving your left leg stationary and lower your upper body downwards, whilst keeping your torso upright and balanced. Inhale as you go down and exhale as you up and then slowly return to the starting position and swap the legs over. You should not allow our knee to go past your toes, as it will cause stress to your knee joints.

This exercise requires a lot of balance. If you are unable to keep your balance either drop down a weight or conduct without weight.

4 – Plank (without weights)

(Source: BowFlex;

Planking is one of the easiest core exercises anyone can do. When you plank, you’re strengthening your abdominal region, upper thighs, arm and shoulders. Do you know the best thing about planking? It can be done anywhere, at any time.

To do a plank, you first must find somewhere that has a flat, solid surface. Lie on your front with your fists together and your elbows pushed into your sides. Your forearms should be on the floor and your toes tucked underneath your feet. Then push your body’s weight up so that you’re resting on your forearms and feet in a straight line. Then squeeze your muscles to increase the tension. You should also check your back and bottom are not popping up or caving in and that your body is straight from heel to head.

3 – Bodyweight Squat

(Source: NerdFitness;

A bodyweight squat is one of the simple and easy exercises you can do whilst still maximising your return. It works your quads, glutes, hamstrings and core.

To do a bodyweight squat, you must first stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, with your toes slightly turned outwards. Inhale and then begin the movement by hinging at the hips, then bend your knees downward until: thighs are parallel with the floor; heels begin to lift off the floor or your torso starts to round or flex forward. Then exhale, straighten legs and stand up whilst moving your torso and shin bone at the same time.

Make sure you push your hips back and sit in between your mid-foot and heels. Brace your abs throughout the movement and keep your back flat.

If you want to add a little bit of weight, why not purchase one of our lightweight training bars.

2 – Sit-Ups


Sit-ups exercise muscles, they work your abdominal muscles whilst also working your: chest; hip; flexors; lower back & neck. Sit-Ups may not be effective at burning calories right away, but they will burn more calories over time.

Firstly, lie on your back on a flat, solid surface. Bend your legs and keep your feet planted firmly on the ground and cross your hands-on opposite shoulders. Then begin to bring your body to your knees, exhaling on the way. Then inhale as you return to the starting position.

If you are unable to keep your feet on the floor, maybe add something heavy and soft on top of your feet or purchase our sit up bar.

1 – Skipping

Source: Glamrs;

Skipping is a high-intensity workout, and it’s a lot of fun. There’s a lot of benefits to skipping, such as: cardiovascular health; leg strength; increased stamina; improved coordination; increased bone strength and improved balance & agility.

Check the video for different skipping techniques and see our skipping ropes here.

Weight Training For Weight Loss: Targeting Fat Loss

You’ve decided that you want to join a gym and lose some weight, but what exercises are the best for targeting fat loss? Well, fear not, because in this post, we are going to be going through some of the best workouts involving weights that will burn fat during your workout.

Whilst weight training is hugely beneficial, cardio workouts such as jump rope and jumping jacks can also help you burn fat really well and get your heart rate going all the way down to a healthy weight.

The exercises that are listed below have some sort of relation to weight training, they have different ranges of motion that cardio exercises do not have and get your muscle fibers working.

Kettlebell Swing (10-12 Reps)

Kettlebell Swings burns more calories in a short space of time, more in fact than any other method of cardio exercise (400 calories in 20 minutes). Whilst performing the exercise, it will help strengthen your muscles as well.

Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart with the kettlebell firmly gripped in both hands. Fold at the hips keeping your head up and chest out. Make sure to keep the knees soft as you pull the kettlebell back between your legs. Keeping your arms straight bring the kettlebell up to shoulder height, by driving through the hips and squeezing the glutes at the top. 


  • If you’re doing this exercise for the first time, start with a lighter weight, it will help you get used to the motion and weight of the exercise and you can advance to higher weights and reps.
  • A great way to warm up before a kettlebell swing is to practise the kettlebell swing motion without the weight in your hand, to get used to the motion your body will be doing.
  • Keep a loose but firm grip on your kettlebell when undertaking the exercise, failure to do this may cause tension in your neck and shoulders.

Burpees (10-12 Reps)

The dreaded burpees… An intense exercise that uses a lot of your muscle groups, they are a sure-fire way to burn a lot of calories. Doing Burpees also speeds up your metabolism during the day, so you’ll be burning extra calories all day long.

From a standing position drop into a squat with your hands on the floor just in front of your feet. Kick your legs back to form a raised plank position. Bring the legs back into the chest and then perform and explosive jump up to finish.


  • Whilst this post is about weight training, we recommend doing some cardio beforehand as well as some dynamic stretches to make sure you aren’t putting any undue stress on your muscles.
  • Keep your abs locked in place when you are doing a burpee, it will help you keep your body in a nice, stable, braced position.
  • Do not hold your breath, make sure you keep breathing. 

Medicine Ball Slams

Perfect for when you are a little bit stressed. A huge benefit to this fat-burning workout is that you are also burning away your anger, stress or boredom – or whatever seems to be bothering you at that particular time. You can smash the ball into the ground as hard as you can!

Use your entire body for the move, raising the ball above your head and rising up on your toes, then using your core, hips, and arms to slam it back down. Catch the ball as it bounces back to your chest and repeat.

Although, make sure you do it right – you do not want to make your day any worse with an injury thanks to bad form.


  • Lift the medicine ball almost directly over your head with your arms extended at the height of the movement.
  • Using your core, slam the medicine ball as hard as you can.
  • Press your hips back and bend your knees to get more power on the slam.

Dumbbell Farmer Walk

Walking is one of the best exercises you can do, it helps your body maintain and support your weight in the long haul and it is something you can do until you die.  It is a low-intensity exercise that returns a good calories burn. So, want to add a little weight here? Adding weight and the bump of the intensity you will experience will strengthen your muscles and burn fat everywhere.

Firstly, pick up a pair of dumbbells you feel comfortable handling in each hand (or just one hand). Then, stand tall and keep the dumbbells out the side of your body by a couple of inches (don’t let the weight touch your legs). Keep looking straight ahead and pinch your shoulder blades back slightly whilst keeping your core nice and tight. The last step is to just walk as you would usually.


  • Keep looking forward, you may trip and injure yourself if you look down (would you look at the floor when you walk to the shop?
  • Be conscious about how close the weights are to your legs
  • Keep your neck forward

Battle Ropes

Battle ropes are perhaps one of the most dreaded pieces of equipment in the gym. A study by the Journal of Strength & Conditioning showed that battle ropes raised the levels of the subject’s metabolism and the effects were staggering. Battle ropes work your body by toning, building lean muscle and burning fat.

To do the exercise, face the anchor with one rope in each hand with the palm facing inwards. Bend your knees slightly forward and then whip one rope to create a wavy pattern which reaches all the way to your anchor. Immediately duplicate this movement with the other arm. Continue to rapidly replicate this movement with both arms for maximum results.


  • Do fast, 15 – 25-second intervals for optimum fat loss.
  • Download an interval app from your smartphones app store so you can track how long you have been doing the exercise.
  • Enjoy.

As well as exercise, you should be providing your body with the right diet plan and protein intake (if you’re doing weight training) as the number of calories in vs. the number of calories out is the biggest factor in losing weight. If you don’t think you are getting enough protein to help in your weight lifting efforts, why not check out some of our protein powders to optimise your training programs.