Top 5 Home-Workouts That Will Get Your Heart Beating

Top 5 Home-Workouts That Will Get Your Heart Beating

Most resistance machines at the gym are only used for one or two purposes, the beauty of home-workouts is that the equipment you do need can be used for a lot of different exercises giving you very good value for money.

Whilst a gym is usually the best place to work out and help increase your strength as well as the cardiovascular system, it is not for everyone. That is why we have compiled a list to help you maximise your workout from the comfort of your own home.

As well as the rest of the workouts listed below, you can also pick up Universal Nutrition’s Animal Training DVD, Resistance Bands or a grip exerciser with counter 

Anyways, let’s get into the workouts.


Before you begin the workouts, make sure you are in a clear space away from personal belongings and you could risk personal damage to property as well as injury.

The workouts…


Chin-ups are the exercise that everyone loves to hate. This exercise is a full body can improve your grip strength, posture as well as your appearance. Another added benefit of this workout is that it strengthens the muscles which stabilise the spine – which can help reduce the chance of injury.

For this exercise, you’ll need a pull-up bar.

If you’re not sure how to do a chin-up correctly, see this video…


For this exercise, you’ll need a kettlebell

This kettlebell workout will help train your quads, glutes, calves and your hamstrings.

Use either one or two hands (whichever feels more comfortable) and pull the kettlebell to your chest. Make sure your hand/s is/are level with the kettlebell at chest level with your arms close to your body with your elbows tucked in. Keep your feet just wider than shoulder-width apart with your toes pointing forward.

Whilst pushing your hips back, simultaneously bend your knees and lower your legs until your thighs are just above the floor, it is important to inhale during this part of the exercise.

Now, whilst exhaling, press your heels of the foot and push your hips in order to return to the starting positions. Repeat for 5 repetitions at a time.

If you’re still unsure as to how to do it, check out this video (insert a link to video).


For this exercise, you’re going to need a medicine ball.

To start, lie face down on the floor or an exercise mat. Stretch your arms in front of you with a lightweight medicine ball. Then slowly begin to lift your arms and legs as high as you possibly can. This helps you build muscle in your back and increase your core strength. Hold this position for a few seconds and slowly lift your arms and legs back down and repeat for up to 45 seconds.

If you’re still unsure as to what I mean, check out this video:


For this exercise, you’ll need a skipping rope (or a jump rope if you’re from the US).

This workout will last for five minutes, and you can repeat it to your heart’s content.

·         Start to minute one: Stand your feet shoulder-width apart, holding both handles of the skipping rope together in one hand. Then begin to start tracing a figure of eight with the rope, shifting weight from side to side as you move your body.

·         Minute one to minute two: For this part of the exercise, just skip one jump per turn, just to get yourself in the rhythm and get your heart pumping.

·         Minute two to minute three: This will be jumping jacks. On the first turn, you’re going to land with your feet apart, and the next turn land with your feet together and repeat until that minute is up.

·         Minute three to minute four: In this one, slalom to your left after your first turn. On your second turn, slalom to the right 6 inches, and repeat until the minute is up.

·         Minute four to minute five: For the final minute, you’re going to burn up the energy you have left by skipping as fast as you can. However, if you feel yourself getting too tired – stop immediately as you are at a much higher risk of tripping and sustaining an injury.

If you’re looking to lose weight, this cardiovascular exercise will certainly be beneficial for you.


For this exercise, you’re going to need a kettlebell again.

This exercise is ideal if you are looking to lose fat. A kettlebell swing is one of the most effective exercises people use at the gym, and you can do it at home if you’re not up to going to the gym. Used best as a finishing exercise to improve your cardiovascular system and burn fat but is also effective at improving core strength.

To start, place the kettlebell slightly in front of you on the ground and in between your feet – which should be around shoulder-width apart from each other. Keep your legs slightly bent and hinging at the hips, then begin to grab the kettlebell and pull it back between your legs, this will create momentum.

Then move your hips forward whilst straightening your back at the same time to send the kettlebell to shoulder height. Whilst still grasping the kettlebell, let the kettlebell fall back between your legs and repeat the move for 45 seconds to a minute.

It is important to note not to rely too much on your upper body to move the weight, as it may cause injuries. If you’re still not 100% sure on how to do it, check this video out (

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